
Hello Shot Darts fans and players

This month I'm not going to write about practice routines or games. Instead I'm going talk about working hard, never giving up, preparation and most importantly believing in yourself.

One thing I strongly believe is that everything truly does happen for a reason, and when it looks like the chips are down you just have to dig in and stay with it, never give up and most importantly "believe" and thing will get better I promise.

It doesn't come easy when you never give up, but quitting is the easy way out of everything and if you want to become successful it takes hard work, dedication, and perserverance. It doesn't matter what anybody tells you, if you want to achieve at anything you have to "believe".

Preparation is the key to success. Two of my favourite quotes are:

1) "Preparation Prevents Poor Performance"

2) "If you fail to prepare then you prepare to fail"

I learned this my second time on the pro tour and will never forget it.

I started treating darts like a job and had a strict routine every day that I would follow consistently. My practice routine was very difficult but I never gave up until I completed the whole routine. There would be days when it would take me 3 hours to finish my routine and other days 8, but the main thing was I stuck with it and never quit. I believe the most important factor to being prepared is to get a good nights sleep every night especially before a competition. Eating properly and staying hydrated are just as equally important.

Overall it takes hard work to be successful but like I said if you "believe" in yourself and your ability and never stop trying, all the pieces will come together and you will reach a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Thanks for reading and supporting Shot Darts, and if there is any suggestions for what you would like me to write about in our column , you can email them and let them know your thoughts,

Until next time have a great day!

Kenny "RealSteel" MacNeil