There’s that old saying: ‘Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach.’ We’re calling BS on that right now, because we reckon in darts ‘Those who can, do, but those who teach, do the game a favour.’
So, where do you start with teaching other players, and what do they need to know first, versus what they’ll learn through practice and experience?
My tip may seem an obvious one, but over the many years of travelling the 'circuit' and playing pro darts, it’s amazing how many players do not do it. I myself have been guilty of such rash throwing, but I now follow this basic rule, ‘guarantee the shot’.”
Sounds easy when Matt ‘Superman’ Clark says it, aye? Wouldn’t it be great if us mere mortals could be sure of consistently nailing it? In this post, Matt gives us the skinny on his strategy to guarantee the shot (more often than not).